Government has on 31.01.2014, released Rs. 180.22 crore as grant in aid to States under the scheme to develop infrastructure facilities for production and distribution of quality seeds.
A Central Sector Scheme ‘Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds’ is being implemented on all India basis from the year 2005-2006 aiming at ensuring production and multiplication of high yielding certified/quality seeds of all crops in sufficient quantities and making them available to the farmers.
The above scheme was evaluated by the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta for its implementation during X Plan (2005-2006 to 2006-2007) and its report in implementation of the Scheme is positive.
Although the existing scheme has contributed in doubling the availability of quality seeds in the country during the last 5 years, a need has been felt to upgrade and expand the existing scheme into a Mission mode in order to include new/emerging technologies in production of quality/certified seeds, improving seed testing laboratories.
Support seed producing agencies in adopting new seed producing technologies etc., in a time bound and integrated approach to further improve the availability of quality seeds to the farmers and at a reasonable price.
Accordingly, during the XII Plan, a Sub-Mission for Seed and Planting Material (SMSP) under National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) will be implemented. Under SMSP, interventions cover the entire gamut of seed production chain, from production of nucleus seed to supply of certified seeds to the farmers.
To provide support for creation of infrastructure conducive for development of the seed sector, support to the public seed producing organisations for improving their capacity and quality of seed production, create dedicated seed bank to meet unforeseen circumstances of natural calamities, etc.
Government of India releases fund to the States under the Scheme for causing expenditure in accordance with the Scheme Guidelines.
This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Shri Tariq Anwar in a written reply to Lok Sabha
A Central Sector Scheme ‘Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds’ is being implemented on all India basis from the year 2005-2006 aiming at ensuring production and multiplication of high yielding certified/quality seeds of all crops in sufficient quantities and making them available to the farmers.
The above scheme was evaluated by the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta for its implementation during X Plan (2005-2006 to 2006-2007) and its report in implementation of the Scheme is positive.
Although the existing scheme has contributed in doubling the availability of quality seeds in the country during the last 5 years, a need has been felt to upgrade and expand the existing scheme into a Mission mode in order to include new/emerging technologies in production of quality/certified seeds, improving seed testing laboratories.
Support seed producing agencies in adopting new seed producing technologies etc., in a time bound and integrated approach to further improve the availability of quality seeds to the farmers and at a reasonable price.
Accordingly, during the XII Plan, a Sub-Mission for Seed and Planting Material (SMSP) under National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) will be implemented. Under SMSP, interventions cover the entire gamut of seed production chain, from production of nucleus seed to supply of certified seeds to the farmers.
To provide support for creation of infrastructure conducive for development of the seed sector, support to the public seed producing organisations for improving their capacity and quality of seed production, create dedicated seed bank to meet unforeseen circumstances of natural calamities, etc.
Government of India releases fund to the States under the Scheme for causing expenditure in accordance with the Scheme Guidelines.
This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Shri Tariq Anwar in a written reply to Lok Sabha